Santa Cruz Valley Historical Society

Securing The Future By Preserving Our Past

     The newly organized Santa Cruz Valley Historical Society (SCVHS) would like to personally invite you to join us in our efforts to provide a much needed service to our community, which encompasses Sahuarita, Green Valley, Continental and other adjacent rural areas.

     The success of SCVHS depends on community support and active participation.  Financial assistance through contributions, endowments, tiered donations and gifts in kind will be tax deductible with our 501(c)3 status.   

Our archives will welcome donations of artifacts, photos, oral or written memoirs, documents and other historic memorabilia for preservation, research and community education.  

Volunteers are needed to fill SCVHS leadership positions and membership in SCVHS offers opportunities for learning and assisting with ongoing projects.  

With unlimited options available, please consider what role you might play.   Your membership will afford you the opportunity to be a part of history in the making as we work together to ensure an enduring legacy focused on, “Securing The Future By Preserving Our Past.”


The Society’s mission is to collect, preserve and share the history of the Santa Cruz Valley/Greater Sahuarita area in an effort to educate future generations and foster a better understanding and appreciation of the values that built our communities and contributed to Pima County’s heritage. 

 Our Story:

In December of 2022, “Sahuarita, Arizona: Treasured Nuggets from the Past,” a collection of personal recollections, biographies, photographs, documents and maps was published by a local group, The Friends of Sahuarita.  This 500-page book only “scratches the surface” in capturing the written memories of the people, places and events that make the Santa Cruz Valley unique 

During the six-year project, it became clear that this book was only the “first step.”  The Santa Cruz Valley Historical Society (SCVHS) was formed in the Fall of 2023 as the “next step” in preserving and protecting the memorabilia, structures, documents, stories and  historical artifacts rapidly being lost to time.   

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Statement:

The SCVHS Mission is to collect, preserve and share the history of the Santa Cruz Valley.  With a commitment to education, understanding and appreciation for the values at the foundation of our extremely diverse community, it is our intent that the Santa Cruz Valley Historical Society continue to promote a welcoming environment of respect, equality and inclusion for all individuals who wish to join.